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physicochemical index Properties: Complex of organic acid salts Appearance: white powder

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Auxiliary series: Litan


physicochemical index

Properties: Complex of organic acid salts

Appearance: white powder

Active ingredients: ≥ 98%

PH value: (10% aqueous solution) 7.0-7.5

Solubility: Very soluble in water

Performance and use

The neutralization process is gentle and has good permeability, protecting leather fibers.

It can strengthen the absorption and combination of chrome tanning agent and improve the utilization rate of chrome tanning agent.


The general dosage is 1-3%, depending on the type of leather and the purpose of use, the dosage is determined through experiments.

storage and transportation

This product is normally transported as non-dangerous goods, pay attention to ventilation, waterproofing, sun protection, and keep away from fire sources. This product is easy to absorb moisture, pay attention to sealing and preservation. The shelf life is two years.

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