What is the difference between semi-synthetic cutting fluid and fully synthetic cutting fluid?

We understand that oil-based cutting fluids have good smoothness and poor cooling. Compared with oil-based cutting fluids, water-based cutting fluids have poor smoothness and better cooling. Synthetic cutting fluids.





Explain the production process of emulsified oil

Oil, water, and additives are mixed together to form water-in-oil particles. The diameter is on the order of μm, and the stabilization period is 3 months or even half a year.





Introduction to the method of preventing the deterioration of emulsified cutting oil formula

In order to avoid the deterioration of the emulsified cutting oil formula, the following methods can be adopted: regular maintenance and monitoring of the cutting oil; when adding water to prepare the cutting oil, try to prevent the use of hard water; the humidity of the working environment should be within a suitable range, Avoid pollution of cutting oil and affect the use; manage the environmental hygiene of the production workshop, and do not let cutting oil come into contact with pollutants.





How to solve wastewater such as emulsified oil?

With the rapid development of the industrial economy, the discharge of oily wastewater is increasing day by day. In addition to oily wastewater generated by oil production, oil storage, transportation and processing, and various leaks in the petroleum industry, tanning in light industrial consumption, turning technology in the machinery industry, and other industries such as food processing and catering will also produce a large amount of oily wastewater, resulting in serious environmental and social hazards.





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